Monday, August 1, 2011

School Days

Almost exactly a year ago, Sara Kate went for her first day of school (first day was August 2). She was almost 4 months old, and it was hard for me to think of someone other than her daddy or me teaching her and watching her grow. She was taking a nap every couple of hours, so 3 or 4 naps a day, and she was drinking 2 8-oz bottles of breast milk during the school day.
Today wasn't Sara Kate's very first day of school, but it was her first day back to school full time.
In a year, so much has changed.
She's walking all over the place, is down to 1 nap a day, is eating the breakfast I send her, drinking whole milk and water, and today she started eating provided school lunch like a big girl.
A year later, I'm ok with other people teaching her and watching her grow. I know that's the natural progression of the 'school life.' She loves her teachers and they love her. Although she is having a bit of a rough time going from 2 naps to 1 nap, her teachers work with her and understand her personality and what she needs to be the happy girl she always is. So she's got a year of 'school' under her belt now. 1 year down, and what seems like a lifetime to go!

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