Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cousin Fun

Yesterday was the anniversary of my dear sister in law Jenny and her hubby, Jason (Happy 5th, ya'll!). They came to town to go to dinner so Meme and Poppa had the joy of taking care of all 3 of their grandchildren for a while. I had a hair cut appointment after work and Chris had to be at the high school late so Meme picked up Sara Kate after school and kept her until we got over there for dinner. I picked up pizza on the way to their house and we had a fun time just hanging out. I just have to say that we have the absolute cutest niece and nephew!
Speaking of the nephew, Hayden is a giant man baby. Seriously. Jenny and Sharon weighed Hayden and then Sara Kate to compare. Hayden, who is almost 5 months old, weighed in at 17 pounds!! Sara Kate, at 16 months, weighed in around 23 pounds. I think she's going through a growth spurt lately...she seems to be eating and wanting snacks very often and she just seems a little heavier to me. Anyway, they are a year apart in age and 5 pounds apart in weight. Wow! We didn't get a picture of Hannah and Sara Kate together, but Sara Kate looked a little taller to me last night when she was standing next to Hannah. I'll be anxious to see her stats at her 18 month appointment in a couple months. We ate dinner and Hannah and Sara Kate were waving at each other across the table. So cute. I asked Hannah who her best friend was and she said Sara Kate. Once again, so cute!! I just love that Sara Kate has cousins that live nearby, that they are relatively close in age, and that she will just be around regularly. I didn't have that when I was a kid so I hope that she and Hannah are always 'best friends' and that the girls don't give that poor little boy too much grief...ha! She did get a little jealous of Meme holding Hayden, but once Meme held them both all was right with the world. After dinner and more play time, Hannah insisted it was bath time. She LOVES to take a bath at Meme's house with Sara Kate. Even Hayden got into the bath time fun with the girls.
We didn't have any jammies for Sara Kate so she wore a white t-shirt of Meme's. Hannah then decided she didn't want to wear her jammies and wanted a t-shirt of Meme's too. So she got a pink one. She then said that she was the pink princess and Sara Kate was the white princess. I wish we had a picture of the girls in their 'princess t-shirts' because it was just too cute, but Chris had already put is camera in the car. We stayed a played a while longer and then headed home. Sara Kate was exhausted and fell right asleep!! I'd say she had a fun night!

Today we've done a whole of nothing! We've played blocks, read books, played ball, and played outside.
Sara Kate looks like such a big girl to me in this picture!Check out these cool clouds that I took a picture of when we were outside earlier. So pretty! I thought maybe some storms would roll in since they seem to be in counties all around us. So far, just a few rumbles of thunder. Come on rain!
Sunday will bring church, grocery shopping, laundry, and just trying to get ready for a new week. But I'm going to have a little fun and go to the movies with a few girlfriends to see 'The Help.' We tried to go this afternoon but they were sold out!! Boo! But since we're going tomorrow my friend Brandy gets to go too. Yay! Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

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