Sunday, July 29, 2012


We had another 100+ degree day today in northwest Arkansas.  So what did we do to beat the heat and stay cool?  We went swimming!  As I've mentioned before, we are blessed to have several friends with pools and pool access through their neighborhoods, and they are all so kind to have us over.  Today we went to see Sara Kate's favorite non-family baby sitter, Ali.  As usual, Sara Kate had a wonderful time and just swam around like a little fish!
The big thing she wanted to do this afternoon was jump off the side to me and swim to the ladder and do it all over again.  She did this alot in Savannah but hasn't wanted to do it since we have been back here.  She holds my fingers and leans/jumps in.  She does good with closing her eyes and I can tell she holds her breath so I got a little more lax about letting her go underwater.  It didn't bother her at all!  She would pop up just a smilin'!
Here's a video that Chris got of her jumping off the side.
I'll end this post by posting another video of Sara Kate swimming.  This is a video Chris put together from several clips taken at our friends, the Brawners, a week and a half ago.
I have mentioned it before, but I'm so proud of our little fish and I'm thrilled at how great she's doing in the water this summer!

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