Sara Kate, you are 6 Months old today!! I can't hardly believe you're half a year old! What have you been up to?
(I try to take your picture with my phone before school to send to Gran...)
- You still sleep great at night, and for this I am soooo grateful. You go to bed between 9 and 9:30, and during the week I wake you up at 6. On the weekend you usually wake anywhere between 6 and 7. You've made it past 7 a few times. Sometimes you wake up during the night or in the early morning and we give you your paci and you fall back asleep. I think you've learned how to put the paci back in your mouth during the night, too (you've gone to sleep without it and when I wake you up in the morning sometimes it's in your mouth and daddy or I didn't give it to you).
- Speaking of the paci, you are loving it right now! You like to pull it in and out of your mouth. And you like to suck on the back side of it. You love your fingers and toes, too!
- You have no teeth in sight yet, and I don't think you're actually teething yet. The only signs we've seen are drooling and sucking/chewing on toys but you've been doing that since last month. You really like your 'Sophie the Giraffe' teething toy.
- You love to 'talk!' In the mornings you are so chatty! When mommy and daddy eat dinner, you sit in your Bumbo, and you're pretty talkative then, too! You like to chirp at the dogs. I love to hear your little laugh...daddy can really get you going! I don't think you've really made any new sounds in the last're still saying 'gee,' 'ha,' 'he,' 'whoa,' and 'bla' (that one may be new recently).
- You still love to 'stand,' and you're close to sitting up by yourself! You are getting to be a pro at the tripod sit, and sometimes you can balance yourself and sit straight up (you can do it briefly on your own). Won't be long!
- You learned how to blow raspberries and you LOVE to do that!! You are also a sweet girl and have started giving hugs and kisses. We love that. Unfortunately, with the hugs you've discovered hair and you like to grab it (and tug sometimes).
- You are still in size 2 diapers, although we may be moving you up soon. You seem to be blowing them out up the back lately. Nice, I know!! :-)
- I wrote this last month, too, but you're such a happy baby. I get such great compliments from people. Your Aunt Laura and Leslie said you were the smiling-est baby they'd ever seen! I love hearing stuff like that! And I love to see that beautiful smile!
Happy 6th Month Birthday Sara Kate