Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
March Showers bring April babies??
36 Weeks
Baby's skin is getting smooth and soft, her gums are rigid, her liver and kidneys are in working order, and her circulation and immune system are basically good to go. Her lungs are the only organs that still need to fully mature, but every day she gets a little closer to breathing on her own.
I'm still feeling fine, and I definitely am feeling pregnant (even though more people told me this week I'm not very big). I've had a bit of insomnia this week, starting when I get up to go to the bathroom during the night. I think that's caused by some anxiety about what I need to get done in the next couple weeks. I'm starting to get a little nervous, not because I'm going to have a baby, but because I don't have control over when she'll be here. Guess that's the way it's supposed to be but there's just so much unknown! Oh yeah, I got to see our little friend 'Diana Hospital' again. Remember her?
Ha! I went to a breastfeeding class this week at the hospital. It was very informative but there was alot of information. The fact that this kid is going to be dependent on me for food/drink is probably adding to my anxiety! Oh, and one more thing. I said last week that Sara Kate's room was done. I was wrong. She now has a lamp in her room! Ya'll know how hard it is to find a white floor lamp?? It's impossible! My mom ordered this for, us and it looks great! The only thing left to do is hang up some original art work her Aunt Holly is making for her. Then I think it'll be totally done!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
35/35 and Welcome Spring!
From now on, baby's growth is mostly in the plumping up department -- though she won't get much longer, she'll put on a pound or more of baby fat before birth. She's about 15 percent right now and will be about 30 percent by full-term.) Her hearing is totally developed (tip: baby responds best to higher pitches), and if she really is a "he," his testes have probably completed their descent.
**Let's hope this little one is actually a girl, otherwise, he has a beautiful purple and green room, complete with 'Sara Kate' on the wall!So speaking of the room, it's done!! Mom and dad have been up here this weekend, and they've been a huge help! My dad got the valance hung (the blinds are up b/c dad caulked around the window...normally they would be down)....
And now to the 'Welcome Spring' part of the post! Or instead, maybe this part should be titled 'Screw you, Spring!' Ha! Sorry if that was vulgar, but seriously, spring is no where to be found this weekend! On this beautiful first weekend of spring, northwest Arkansas is experiencing 8-12 inches of snow. Yep, that's right. Yesterday started with rain, then sleet, then rain and sleet mixed, then snow, then snow and sleet mixed, and then snow, snow, and more snow. Last time I went out and measured we were at 9.5 inches, and it's supposed to continue for the rest of the day and into tonight. I think I wrote on a blog post back in January that that storm was the most snow I'd ever seen. I would now like to retract that statement and say THIS is officially the most snow I've ever seen in my life! I just can't get over it! Don't get me wrong, it's beautiful, and I'm glad my parents are getting to see snow like this (b/c we all know that weather like this doesn't happen in south Arkansas!)...I just thought winter was over! So instead of putting more pictures of our house with snow, I'll post some pictures that I took this morning when we decided to take a little Sunday drive (after we found our church was canceled). Yep, the roads were snowy and slushy, but it was nice to take in a little snowy scenery.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
34 Weeks
This past week didn't bring too much excitement, besides our annual ant problem raring it's ugly head, but that's a totally different story. We can officially say that Sara Kate's room now has all it's furniture! We got a book case this week, and Chris and Phillip put it together yesterday. They said it was a pain to build, but it feels like a really solid piece of furniture, especially for being a sale piece at Target! You'll also notice there's a mattress leaned up against the wall...yay!! That's something else we have been waiting for! Thanks so much Grandma and Grandpa Mase!
I'm still feeling good. I'm still pretty active, and sleep is still good most of the time. The little back pain between my shoulder blades I mentioned last week has turned into a knot in my back that kept me awake last night because I couldn't turn over with out pain shooting in all directions. Sounds fun, right?? I need to lay on the heating pad, too. Add that to the 'to-do' list!! Sara Kate seems to be doing good, too. She's still super active. She was moving around all during church today...normally church is nap time. Maybe the stupid time change got her sleep schedule off, too. Ha! Here's my belly picture this week.
Baby's now the size of a honeydew!
Baby can recognize and react to simple songs...time to start practicing your lullabies! In fact, baby will recognize frequently sung tunes after birth and probably find them soothing. Less cute news: She now urinates about one pint per day. Get the diapers ready!
In other news, I think Cody knows something is up. When he was a puppy we used to put him on the couch because he couldn't figure out how to get down on his own. That way we could go do stuff, like clean or cook dinner, without having to watch him like a hawk to make sure he wasn't getting into anything.
(I couldn't find a picture of him confined to the couch so here's a picture of the day we brought him home...wasn't he the cutest??? And wasn't he tiny? Ha!)

Sunday, March 7, 2010
33 Weeks
Baby's now the size of a honeydew! Things are heating up inside as well: Baby may grow up to a full inch this week alone, and her brain is developing like crazy. Pretty soon, she'll be able to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. Also, her bones are hardening, and she's started to keep her eyes open when she's awake.
The middle of the week brought Sara Kate officially getting pre-enrolled in daycare, and I'm relieved to have that taken care of. I'm not crazy about the word 'daycare'...I think I'll say she is going to school every day. Ha! Can she go to school when she's 4 months old?? Anyway, I went and paid the deposit to hold her spot and gave them our information. We just need to call them back this summer and take her by so we can start getting to know her teachers (teachers - their words, not mine). I also want to call back in early summer to make sure we definitely have a spot come August!!!!
The week ended by getting word that the glider was in! Phillip helped Chris pick it up today (site-to-store at Wal-Mart is awesome!!). They put it together, and it didn't take long at all. Chris laughed and said he got help putting together the easiest piece of furniture he's had to build.