Saturday, February 27, 2010

Our Busy Saturday

Today we had our 'baby daddy/baby mama' class, Part II. Just like the first week, today was very informative. First, I'd like to introduce you to our baby for the day, Diana Hospital.
Seriously, that was her name on her hospital arm band. I thought it was pretty funny. We started the day by doing our breathing techniques. At this point, Diana Hospital was exercising her super baby knowledge and was reading about the breathing techniques.
Next we did some little games/quizzes, learned about hospital procedures (apgar scores, the gunk that they put on their eyes, shots, etc.), saw pictures of babies that had just been born, and talked about postpartum stuff. Then came the fun part...ha! We did swaddling (which Chris was very good at and I was very bad baby kept ending up half naked), diaper changing, giving baths, how to dress them, how to take care of the umbilical cord, feeding and burping, etc.
As you can tell by the pictures, we had a great day! I looked like a goober taking pictures (with my phone) during class but I just HAD to have some for the blog! :-) Really, the classes were very informative and I'm glad we decided to take them (the doctor I saw last month said they were pointless unless you were planning on a natural birth...obviously, he had no idea what he was talking about because we learned about so much stuff!!).

I'd like to title this next part, Sara Kate's NEW LOOT...and WHAT A DEAL!! :-) Her new loot includes some adorable stuff her Auntie Laura sent her. Thank you, Auntie Laura!! We love you and miss you!
The 'WHAT A DEAL' refers to this awesome stuff we found at Dillard's today on clearance. We found this 3 piece set that Chris calls her first tailgate outfit for $6.
These next 2 are size 18-month, but they were such a great deal we couldn't resist. They were about $7 each...3 Razorback onesies (that came as the set of 3) and an Adidas track suit for $7 each!! WHAT A DEAL!! :-)

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