Sunday, December 2, 2012


If you are my friend on Facebook (or a family member), you know my iPhone took a little spill Friday night.  I was giving Sara Kate a bath and as she was about to pour a cup of water out of the tub onto the floor, I reached to stop her and my phone flew out of my hand and right into the tub.  It was one of those slow motion things.  OMG!  FREAK OUT!  I grabbed it and dried it off with the hand towel.  And what did I do next?  Well, I posted on Facebook, right from my phone, right from the bathroom, asking friends what to do.  Chris laughed at me when he found I did that, but Sara Kate was in the bath!  What else was I supposed to do?!  Strangely enough, my phone did not turn off upon taking a dip, and thanks to some quick responses from friends, I turned my phone off and put it in a bag of rice (after Sara Kate was out of the bath, of course).  Thank goodness for the iPad because I face-timed my mom and told her to send Chris a text that everything at home was fine but he couldn't get a hold of me.  What on earth would we do without technology??  Haha!  So I have felt disconnected all weekend without my phone.  Once again, thank goodness for the iPad!  I was able to check Facebook and Twitter to get my news fix off and on through out the weekend.  Isn't that weird that those are my outlets for news?!  Chris laughed at me one night last week when he asked what I was doing and I said I was checking the news...and I was doing it via Twitter (hey, it's informative and entertaining!)!  Anyway, I think the worst part of not having my phone was not having the CAMERA readily accessible at every moment of the day.  I use my phone constantly to take pictures.  I'm able to capture silly moments, sweet moments, cute moments, bad moments, and random get the point. I do try to use my big camera as often as possible, but taking a cell phone picture is so quick and it's immediately right there!  So I certainly missed that.

We had to run a few errands Saturday morning, including going to Sam's Club so I could buy poinsettia's for church.  Sara Kate got a red balloon and she was thrilled!  But I couldn't take a picture of that moment.  Which made me sad.  Except I was able to after all because I grabbed Chris' phone and did it.  :-)
But the rest of the day I didn't bother Chris with using his phone.  I used my big camera, as we had a fun afternoon and evening with Hannah and Hayden at the playground and playing at our house.  There is something to be said about the big camera versus the cell phone camera...some good shots can come from the big camera!
While Chris grilled lunch today (yes, grilling in December), I took the opportunity to take some pictures of Sara Kate wearing her first Christmas dress of the season.  It's one of last years dresses, and I just love getting 2 years of use out of dresses like this!  And yep, it's like 75 degrees today...certainly doesn't feel like Christmas is less than a month away!
At noon today, I held my breath and turned my phone back on.  Thank goodness, everything seems perfectly fine!  Apps work, camera works, music works, phone calls work, texts work...sooooo thankful!!  And I was so happy to be able to snap simple little pictures again with my phone...
Like Sara Kate and I playing in our bed after lunch...
 And her reading ME a story before nap...
 And sneaking in her room to see my sweet baby sleeping...
Yes, I felt very disconnected from the world all weekend, but I also got to just be in the moments, which is something I strive for all the time.  But I am also so thankful for technology and all that it allows us to do!  :-)

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