Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Yesterday (Monday, actually Sunday night), we had our first real snow event of the season. I was getting so jealous of seeing Facebook posts from El Dorado and friends in Mississippi about all the snow they were getting! I was dying for Sara Kate to experience her first snow!! Chris' mom was coming over for dinner Sunday night and about that time it started snowing here. She wasn't here that long, maybe an hour and a half, but by the time she left she had a hard time navigating the 3 miles back to her house. She called and said there were already a couple cars in the ditch. By the time we went to bed the roads and ground were covered. I didn't expect anything major because the local news said a bigger opportunity for snow would be Monday afternoon/evening going into Tuesday. So big surprise when we got enough for schools to be canceled! However, my plans to experience Sara Kate's first snow with her got deterred about 1:30 in the morning, when I woke up sick to my stomach. I was up all night hugging the toilet (sorry for the visual), and I stayed in bed all day on Monday. Come to find out Chris started feeling bad yesterday and my brother was sick also so we think maybe we all had a bout of food poisoning (Chris cooked dinner for the 3 of us Saturday night). Who knows, but it is kind of ironic. Chris' mom was kind enough to come take care of Sara Kate yesterday afternoon so Chris could rest...big thanks to Meme!! We love you! By the time I finally got up, the snow was pretty much gone and the snow we were supposed to get yesterday didn't really pan out for the Fayetteville area (north of us got it enough to be out of school today). It was snowing this morning before we took Sara Kate to daycare so we took an opportunity to take her picture. Excuse the way I look, please. :-)

We both took the day off today to rest before we hit the ground running tomorrow. And as for playing in the snow with Sara Kate, it'll have to wait until next time. Hope all you guys that got big snow events had fun!

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