Sara Kate you are 3 months old!! What have you been up to?
*For some reason, I could NOT get you to smile during this photo shoot! But you sure looked cute, and you were very interested in the texture of the sticker on your onesie. :-)
*For some reason, I could NOT get you to smile during this photo shoot! But you sure looked cute, and you were very interested in the texture of the sticker on your onesie. :-)
- You are sleeping through the night and have been since you were 9 weeks old!! Yay!! You are going to bed between 9:30 and 10 and you wake up between 5:30 and 6:30. It's been so interesting to watch your sleep schedule progress over the past 3 months.
*These were actually taken during a good long nap! :-)
- You are smiling up a storm and you can definitely recognize mommy and daddy now. When you wake up in the morning and see me you give me the biggest grin. I love that! I'm still waiting on that grin when you see me after being at work all day, though! :-)
- You love to put your hands in your mouth! They must be super delicious!
- Speaking of your tummy, you still HATE tummy time!!!!! It just makes you plain mad. In my mind, I think you would master the roll from tummy to back just to get off your tummy, but that hasn't happened yet.
- You are wearing 3 month clothes. Carter's and Old Navy brands fit you good right now. You are also still wearing some 0-3 month Gerber footy pajama's.
- You are in size 1 diapers. Actually, right now you are in size 1 and 1/2 diapers because we ran out of 1's, but they fit you fine.
- You are really getting into your toys! You really like your play mat and everything on it, your love bug, your flower rattle, and this little yellow giraffe disk toy (you like to put that one in your mouth and feel the nobs on it).
Happy 3 month birthday, Sara Kate!