I didn't get this post up yesterday, but Sara Kate wished her daddy a very Happy 1st Father's Day!
Now here's an amusing story for you all. I had this grand idea to paint Sara Kate's hand prints on a coffee mug for Chris for Father's Day. I looked into the local 'paint your own pottery' store, and what do ya know, it was closed! I have no idea how a place like that would go out of business in an area like Northwest Arkansas. Oh well, plan B. My mom and I went to Hobby Lobby and they had a kit. The lady pointed me to paint that's safe for kids and told me that you just have to bake it in the oven after painting to make it dishwasher safe. Perfect! Time was ticking down and we still hadn't been able to do it. Then it just so happened to work out that last Sunday when Sara Kate and I didn't go to church was the perfect time to do this little project. I called Bob (Chris' dad) to come over and help. Thankfully he was available! He got here, I got everything set up on the kitchen table, took off Sara Kate's clothes, and we were ready. As soon as I sat down I thought, how exactly am I going to do this?? You see, Sara Kate tends to ball her hands up, especially when you want them to be open. So I did my best to pry her hand open, I rubbed it onto the plate with the paint, and attempted to hand print the coffee mug. Disaster! Then Bob thought, lets try her feet. Great! So her foot goes into the paint ( and of course, she curls her toes under) and onto the coffee mug goes her foot print. Disaster! It was just paint blobs on this mug. I don't know what made me think that putting a 2-month old's hand prints on a mug would work. Seriously, disaster is the best word to describe it! In the meantime, Sara Kate had rubbed her 'painted' hand on her head, on the back of her head, on her face, on my arm, on my pants, on her socks, on my shirt...get the picture? Speaking of picture, I WISH someone would have been here to take pictures of this event. It was a disaster but it was hilarious!!! She got a second bath for the day and I cleaned up. Part 2 of the plan was for me to paint her name and birth date on the mug. That part worked alright. I guess that's the difference in the skills of an almost 30 year old and a 2 month old...ha!!! I put the mug in the oven and got it out just before Chris got home from church and the grocery store. And here's the finished product.
Here's a foot print (and I never said my painting of her name and birth date was good)...
Hope all you daddy's had a great day! Thanks for coming over Bob, and Dad, we missed you!
On a different note, don't forget to say a prayer for Bailey. She had tests run on her heart and kidney's today. A praise is that she didn't have nearly as many seizures today. Hopefully Becca and Chism will get good results tomorrow. Here's the link to Becca's blog.
Precious pictures...I love that you surprised Chris with Sara Kate's outifit! About the hairbows from your previous post-have you been on etsy.com? Go there and do a search for baby headbands and you should find lots of choices.