Monday, March 25, 2013

Sick Day

How pathetic looking is this little face??
It's the face of a poor little sick girl.  Last Thursday afternoon I got a call from her daycare that she woke up from her nap running a fever.  Fever means going home.  Since it was Chris' spring break last week, she stayed home with him on Friday, and unfortunately, she had more fever.  Saturday morning she had a mild fever and Saturday afternoon she woke up from her nap saying her ears hurt.  Sunday she had no fever so she came with us to church, but last night her fever spiked back up to 102.  To top Sara Kate's sick issues off, yesterday Chris woke up feeling terrible.  So today meant a sick day for all of us!  He headed to the doctor this morning and found out he has strep.  And I have majorly kept my distance!  The doctor did tell him if I started feeling anything he would go ahead and call me in a z-pack without having to go in.  This morning I told Sara Kate that she had to go to the doctor too, and she got so upset.  So we talked about her Elmo book where Elmo goes to the doctor, and I told her afterwards if she was a big girl we would get her a treat.  Plus I told her I would be with her the whole time.  That always helps.
The Elmo book helped, too.  She even told me "I open my mouth and say 'ahh' like Elmo and the doctor look in my ears like Elmo and the doctor look at my back like Elmo."  For anybody who's interested, the book is called Elmo's favorite stories, and is a 2 story set with 'Elmo visits the dentist' and 'It's check up time, Elmo!'
Sara Kate did great when the doctor came in.  She cooperated beautifully and was so pleasant, which is usually not our experience at the doctor!!  After the doctor left, she said "I'm a big girl, I go to the doctor!" She was so proud.  You can look at her little eyes and tell she doesn't feel good, though.  On a positive note, she got weighed and her height measured...30 lbs and a little over 36 inches tall!!  It's nice to see these stat, as she's always been small on the growth curve as far as height goes (she's always been average as far as weight).
As I suspected, the culprit is ear infections.  Her right ear is infected and her left ear has alot of fluid in it.  She has had very few ear infections in her life, and I am very thankful for that because I had terrible ear infections as a kid and had 80% hearing loss before I got tubes.  She was excited about getting her treat after we picked up her medicine but she crashed as soon as we left the doctor.
I couldn't get her to eat anything when we got home but she did enjoy her medicine (gotta love the good ole' bubble gum medicine, haha!) and a little bit of her treat, which was a strawberry slush from Sonic.
She pretty was pretty much by my side non stop all morning, and when I told her it was time for a nap she didn't fight at all.  She went right to her room and layed down. 
Some sleep plus a dose of Amoxicilliin really did good things because we had such a fun afternoon/evening playing.  She seemed almost back to normal...we played puzzles, read books, played animals (Little People), played Etch-A-Sketch, played Elmo game (a matching card game)...I just love fun play time when my sweet girl is in a good mood even though she was still super clingy!
 Hopefully another dose of medicine tonight will really help her feel lots better!  She can go back to school tomorrow since it's just her ears, which is good because I have things to do at work, plus a hair cut tomorrow afternoon (very important, haha!)!  But I've enjoyed our sick day at home...lots of cuddling, lots of random tv watching, and lots of play time.  And hopefully Chris kicks his illness without passing it on!! :-)

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